When is a pup ever not excited for dinner? It seems that you don’t need an alarm with your pups around – just feed them when you’re supposed to get up, and they will wake you up at the right time every day, on the dot!
You can easily why they would pull that off in this video – just look at how excited these Dachshund pups are for their dinner!
Hopping up and down, begging with all they can, waving their tails like mad – they clearly just can’t stay still when Mom asks if they want to eat! Luckily for them, Mom is more than happy to oblige, and opens up the cupboard to get their food. They tail her like a shadow, following her through the kitchen to their food bowls.
You can see the enthusiasm in the way they chow down their meal. There is no patience with these pups! They have to get all this yummy stuff in their tummy right now!
Feature Image Source: Blessed Mother