When You Read What This Man Is Doing For His Pup? I'm Inspired.

When You Read What This Man Is Doing For His Pup? I'm Inspired.

We all know that pups love walks. So how about a walk that lasts five years? The fur ball that gets this treat is the luckiest one alive!

27-year-old Tom Turcich is giving his pup that treat. Savannah was a street pup when she was adopted by Tom, who took her along when he began The World Walk over a year ago. The epic journey is meant to span five years over seven continents. According to Tom, the pair “walk every mile together, and with the right paperwork crossing borders with her has been a breeze”.

This wasn’t just a spontaneous trip; Tom had been ready for years. He’d been preparing for The World Walk by saving money ever since his childhood friend passed away at the age of 17. Tom says the loss made him reorder his perspective of the world and realize the fleeting nature of life. But then Philadelphia Sign, a Jersey-based sign distributor, decided to sponsor his entire journey a month before he left, and everything fell into place.


Tom says that Savannah has “been on the olfactory adventure of a lifetime”. He also reports that the pair have had to “learn Spanish, climb the terrible mountains of Guatemala, sprint through the deserts of Honduras, and sleep in the Costa Rican rain forest”. That’s a tough pup he’s got! But the generosity of the people he’s met has surprised and touched him, and he and Savannah are doing okay.

Tom regularly posts daily pictures and updates on Instagram and Facebook, many of which feature Savannah the amazing pup! Do check those out, and don’t forget to like and share!

Feature Image Source: Instagram

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