Why Does My Dog Shake His Toy So Hard? There's A Reason Behind This

Why Does My Dog Shake His Toy So Hard? There's A Reason Behind This

We’ve all seen it happen. You give a dog a toy, and they take it and shake it so hard, you fear the stuffing’s going to fly out! But why do they do that?

Hunting Instincts Still Exist

In the wild, dogs and wolves will grab their prey by the scruff of their necks and shake them as hard as they can. Because of how fragile the neck is, this is a pretty efficient way to kill their prey. As it turns out, they never forgot that trick! (Although these days it’s limited to just their toys.)

So What’s The Problem?

There’s nothing wrong, with the behavior, but you might want to stop or discourage them if:

  • Your dog has neck issues that can be agitated by the shaking.
  • Your dog shakes a toy until its stuffing comes out.
  • If your dog is known to tear up a toy.

The biggest concern is that your dog may eat the stuffing and cause digestion blockages. Other things to be concerned about is if this is a part of your dog’s aggression. In such cases, consider seeing a vet as soon as possible, just to be safe. Training or a medical exam may be in order!

Feature Image Source: Pixabay

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