Woman Orders A Dog Pool Online, But What She Gets Instead Is Hilarious!

Ever had one of those moments where you could just about burst with laughter at yourself? Well, this happened to recently to pet-lover Chelsea Sparks.

Chelsea is the proud parent of a large Newfoundland named Darcy, who happens to be a keen swimmer and likes nothing better than a cool dip in the local pond after a walk. Being the caring parent that she is, Chelsea decided to purchase a swimming pool for Darcy to use at home on days when she wasn’t able to access the pond. Chelsea duly ordered a blue paddling pool for Darcy and started counting down the days to its arrival.

A few days later a package arrived but was so tiny that it had everyone guessing. On opening the package Chelsea and the rest of the family convulsed with laughter. Sure enough, Darcy’s pool had arrived but was more suited to a Barbie doll than poor Darcy! It was so tiny that Darcy’s huge Newfoundland paw took up most of the space! Darcy posed somewhat warily next to the tiny receptacle for a photo to commemorate the occasion.

Chelsea Sparks

The story ends well though. Chelsea admits that she should have actually checked the dimensions when she ordered the pool and has reordered but made sure that Darcy will be able to fit in the new one. Darcy’s definitely the winner in this situation, as the tiny pool makes an excellent new water bowl for her and she and Chelsea are counting down the days to the arrival of her new swimming pool!

Feature Image Source: Pixabay

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