Woman Rescues Severely Emaciated And Dehydrated Puppies Hoping For A Christmas Miracle

Woman Rescues Severely Emaciated And Dehydrated Puppies Hoping For A Christmas Miracle

December 23 is often a time when people go on holiday trips. For these 5 puppies, it was a time of rescue.

Tessa Lee, who works with the Whitecourt Homeless Animal Rescue Foundation, or WHARF, received a call regarding these puppies on that day. The pups were about 45 minutes away from the Edmonton, Alberta organization and were reported to be very dehydrated and extremely thin.

Lee hurried over to the Alberta Beach property. She was given access and allowed to bring the puppies with her. They were so cold and frozen that Lee wasn’t sure they wouldn’t survive the night.

She gave them heat packs and provided them with maple syrup to help their blood glucose and hydration. Every two hours, she and other staff would supply them with wet pup food through syringes.

Over Christmas, Lee and some fellow staff worked on nursing the puppies back to health and safety. She took them home with her, and while four puppies started to heal up, the last one – named Ruby – was in bad shape and couldn’t even move.

Lee had to work extra hard to ensure that she did everything she could in the next 24 crucial hours to save Ruby. Lee went to bed on December 24, praying Ruby would make it through.

On Christmas morning, a miracle happened – Ruby started to move. She began to drink and eat on her own and drew enough strength to lift herself up. There are already many potential foster parents eager to offer their homes to the puppies once they are all safely out of the woods!

Lee’s holiday may have been spent busy and working, but she doesn’t regret a moment of it. It’s part of what she does, and seeing the puppies on the mend is well worth it for her!

Images & Feature Image Credit: Tessa Lee

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