Yulin Dog Meat Festival Begins Despite China Stating That Dogs Are Companions, Not Livestock

Yulin Dog Meat Festival Begins Despite China Stating That Dogs Are Companions, Not Livestock

Upon reading the recent news about the ban on dog meat sales in China, most of us found ourselves breathing a sigh of relief! Finally, the authorities were listening to our cries and pleas. Or so we thought.

It has, unfortunately, recently come to light that the Yulin Meat Festival is still to take place, despite the government ban. The meat sellers said that they had to partake in order to make up for the financial losses of the past few months. These financial losses are due to the outbreak of the novel coronavirus which, ironically, originated from the wet market in China.

The transport of dogs across borders has been significantly restricted, making it harder to acquire live dogs for these meat salesmen. A small joy for us as dog lovers. The Humane Society International has suggested that in the meantime all meat sales should be centralized to one point, in a bid to keep a close eye on dog meat sales. Although these salesmen are blatantly disregarding the law, it would be easier to control if there is only one spot for them to sell from.

Recently, a cage of innocent puppies was discovered and rescued by the Humane Society International. These pups were bred for slaughter. Heart-breaking, isn’t it? It is no easy task to control a market that has been running successfully for many years. The dog meat trade is a big part of Asian culture and one cannot simply expect that everybody will adhere to the new law. In the meantime, the Human Society International will continue their fight for the greater good and we can only hope that people will come to their senses and stop torturing cats and dogs.

Feature Image Source: Pixabay

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