Dogs Have Been Reclassified As Pets And Not Livestock In China

After the outbreak of the novel coronavirus, news quickly spread that it originated from the “wet market”. This refers to the illegal trade of wildlife, and well, any animals that are not supposed to be traded for consumption.

One of the animals sold for consumption is different dog breeds. For most of us, this is gut-wrenching to imagine, as we see them as our pets. However, for some, there is no difference in the type of animal as long as it can be sold. For years protesters and animal lovers have voiced their concerns over the terrible conditions the “wet market” animals are kept it, and news reported have exposed how cruel the trade actually is. Thankfully, it seems somebody has finally listened to the pleas for help.

Following the COVID-19 outbreak, the Chinese government (Ministry of Agriculture, more specifically) has now placed a ban on the trading of dog meat. They took the decision to classify dogs as pets, and no longer as livestock. This makes it illegal and places a ban to trade them for consumption. The Human Society International reported that the classification of dogs has officially changed to companion animals.

Isn’t that great?! Our four-legged family members truly are our beloved companions. As dog-lovers we can all breathe a sigh of relief, knowing that the brothers and sisters of our canine companions are no longer at risk for consumption. This brings joy to many of us, as we cannot personally protect them all, even if we so desperately wish we could!

Feature Image Source: Pixabay

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