This Breed Doesn't Exist Today, And This Is Why We Fight Animal Cruelty

Dogs are the most magnificent creatures to have ever been created, and this post is going to fill you with mixed emotions.

Do you know that there are so many dog breeds that no longer exist because of animal cruelty? The Kuri, Talbot, Molossus, Hawaiian Poi Dog, Paisley Terrier, and Russian Tracker are just a few of the many dog breeds that don’t exist anymore.

We know that dogs are great at many things, they sniff out bombs, help save the lives of endangered species, and help humans live a healthier life. But did you know that around the 16th century, dogs helmed kitchens? Meet the Turnspit, a breed that no longer exists.

During the 16th century in Britain, a kitchen’s most valuable staff was a dog. The Turnspit was bred to rotate a wooden wheel that turned a roasting spit. The way these dogs rotated the wheel cooked the meat evenly over an open fire – the meat was cooked so well, no human could ever do it better than the dog.

Although before employing dogs, it was humans who would rotate the wheel, but teenage drama and longer hours meant humans couldn’t do a good job. The wheel was then placed far away from the flames to prevent the dogs from overheating and keeping them safe from getting burned. Turnspit was small, strong, and sturdy.

Coming up next, we’ll show you a video of what it was like for a Turnspit to rotate the cooking wheel. Meanwhile, how can we stop more breeds from going extinct? Let us know in the comments. Watch out for Part 2!

Feature Image Source: Wikipedia

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